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A sensible approach in glaucoma care.

Glaucoma and Cataracts

Intervention for glaucoma during the cataract surgery patients already need just makes sense. Intervening with technology that doesn’t require an implant, has been shown to provide long-term IOP reduction, and is seamlessly adopted makes even more sense.

However, cataract and glaucoma are not always addressed simultaneously even though up to 20% of patients with cataracts also have glaucoma. Present MIGS have not succeeded in making combined cataract and glaucoma treatment a standard of care.

32 million

cataract procedures are performed worldwide each year1

up to 20%

of patients undergoing cataract surgery also have glaucoma / OHT2

Drop therapy is the mainstay of glaucoma treatment but can be a burden on patients and impact their quality of life. Lowering medication burden can have a positive effect on health-related quality of life.3
Ophthalmologist looking forward

ELIOS Is the Next Generation of Glaucoma Technology

ELIOS uses high precision, non-thermal, laser ablation to create 10 microchannels in the trabecular meshwork to enhance physiological outflow into Schlemm’s canal whilst preserving angle anatomy.6

The first clinically-validated excimer laser MIGS7

ELIOS console and probe
IOP (>20%) for up to 8 years6
Up to 80% of patients are medication-free one year after their surgery8
ELIOS microchannels at 31 months post-op
Image courtesy of Dr. Antonio Moreno‑Valladares
Long-term microchannel patency9
“The synergy of cataract surgery and MIGS is ideal… ELIOS provides a standardized, implant-free, and highly adoptable procedure that can be done in that patient population.”
Prof. Ike K. Ahmed
University of Toronto & Moran Eye Center
Karsten Klabe
“In my opinion, there is no learning curve at all. If [surgeons] have experience with trabecular bypass implants or ab-interno canaloplasty, [they] have the skills to perform ELIOS.”
Dr. Karsten Klabe
Breyer, Kaymak & Klabe
Philippe Denis
“Techniques [like ELIOS] that avoid having to create a bleb and all of its potential side effects — especially in patients with mild-to-moderate glaucoma — make it easier to get IOP under control with topical pharmacotherapy. This is a large and significant patient population.”
Prof. Phillipe Denis
Croix-Rousse University Hospital

Good for Patients Means Good for You

For patients with concomitant glaucoma and cataract, ELIOS is a procedure that:
For doctors who care for glaucoma patients, ELIOS:

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